

Organotherapy - Celltherapy

(1) Connecitve tissue

A system of basic regulation

Over 200 years ago it was discovered that the connective tissue has more functions than those of supporting and filling. In the service of specific organ functions it is responsible for nutrition and regeneration and mediates nervous and vascular functions.

Before Virchow's Cell Law, diseases were considered to be alterations of the body fluids. Since Hippocrates one distinguished between blood, mucus, black and yellow bile. The right mixture was the basis for health (eucrasia) and the disturbed mixture the basis for illness (dyscrasia).

The humoral theory, developed an this basis by a contemporary of Virchow (German pathologist), was rapidly superseded by Virchow's cellular pathology.

After 1945 Pischinger and colleagues have taken up again the doctrine of fluids as a system of the basic regulation and investigated it with scientific methods. They, again, categorized the cell within the functional triad "capillary - ground substance -cell". This was necessary as modern medicine, by applying the Virchow's cellular paradigm, can find causes for and repair acute diseases and those caused by microorganisms but not the increasing number of chronic, civilizational and cancerous diseases.

In a large number of publications it has been proven that biological systems are highly interwoven and subject to a dynamic balance. There is an interrelationship between cells an their surroundings, forming a functional unit. This is a highly interwoven open system where energy and matter are exchanged.

When an open system is supplied with non-chaotic energy, as for example nutrients, this energy extends in no time to the entire system.

This process, autocatalytically, gives rise to new structures.

It was realized that the most suitable form of energy for giving structure and order to a biological system consists of the supply and processing of information. Information is not restricted to any particular energy carrier. It is thanks to Pischinger that the ground substance, the connective tissue and its regulatory mechanisms were seen to be a superior principle of order which is the basis of the organism's striving for survival.

This ground substance pervades the entire organism and reaches every cell. Biochemically it is a reticulum consisting of extensively polymeric sugar-protein complexes. The transit route of the whole metabolism f rom the capillary to the cell and back runs via a molecular sieve, consisting mainly of proteoglycans, glycosamine glycans, structural glycoproteins, such as collagen, elastin and interweaving glycoproteins, such as fibronectin.

The concentration of proteoglycans, their molecular weight, electrolytes and pH value determine the pore size of the filter.

Pischinger and colleagues found out that the negative charge of the proteoglycans is of decisive functional importance. It makes water binding and ion exchange possible. This ensures isoionic, isotonic and isoosmotic balance in the ground substance. Each change in the ground substance will change the electrostatic field through oscillations of potential. These oscillations of potential, if strong enough, lead to a cell reaction through depolarization of the cell membrane.

In other cell types information is transmitted to cytoplasmatic enzymes by messenger substances, which are present in the cell membrane.

The information which arrives in the cell nucleus is translated into cell-specific products by appropriate parts of the genetic code.

The fibrocyte is the regulatory centre of the ground substance. Only the fibrocyte is able to synthesize a ground substance which is appropriate to the situation. The glycocalix, the fuzzy cell-sugar coat is extremely important for the transmission of information to and from the cell. Together with the glycoproteins and the structural glycoproteins they are the most important information filters and mediators. The ground substance is connected with the endocrine gland system through the capillaries. Furthermore, the peripheral autonomic nerve fibres end in the ground substance. Both systems are connected with each other in the brain stem. The "free" connective tissue cells, such as mast cells, macrophages, leucocytes, influence each other through released cell products, such as for example prostaglandins, interleukins, interferons, proteinases. This results in a highly complex interwoven humoral system.

The psyche is another important factor in this reticulum.

Through being able to transmit and store information by binding water and exchanging ions, the ground substance is responsible for regulating homoeostasis.

Special interest should be paid to the frequent formation of radicals which take place due to electron and proton changes occurring during oxygen metabolism.

The physiological redox potential receives the resulting energy via the ground substance. In the case of circulation disturbances radicals can accumulate and unphysiological changes of the redox potential of the ground substance take place.-In 1983 Pischinger and Perger reported that chronic inflammatory diseases and even tumours can develop if these disturbances are prolonged.

Greater interest should be paid to another function of the ground substance. Proteoglycans are able to store nutrients: carbohydrates as glucose and galactose, protein as -NH-groups, fat as carbohydrate chains with residual acids and water, with water being the most important nutrient. If water content is reduced the proteoglycans, which are originally brush-shaped, fold up and impair the transit routes in the ground substance.

In my opinion it is not widely enough known that soft water with high electrical resistance is healthier than hard water. Of course it has to be water low in minerals or water where surplus minerals have been extracted by inverted osmosis.

Wendt has proven that, contrary to the existing doctrine, the organism can store protein in the form of collagen, proteoglycans and glycosamine glycans in the ground substance.

If the capacity - different in each individual - to catabolise the deposits is disturbed, the transit routes are increasingly transferred and, among other things, micro- and macroangiopathies develop.

Wendt also reports that the ratio of collagen to polysaccharides in storage protein is 95% to 5% whereas in pathological glycoproteins, such as amyloid, ratios of collagen to polysaccharides of 42% to 58% occur. According to Wendt clogging of the ground substance can be explained by the fact that storage protein and amyloid can bind numerous other molecules in varying amou.nts and combinations.

In order to emphasize the importance of this observation I should like to mention some examples of binding possibilities: immunoglobulins, lipoproteins, albumin, amino acids, glycoproteins, uric acid, cholesterol, harmful substances from the environment, carbon monoxidehaemoglobin, fibrinogen-complement, various antigenicproteins. Further deposits follow in the basal membrane.

Elmau suggests naming these pathogenic protein deposits in the basal membrane of the capillaries BASAL MEMBRANOSES. This is a degenerative, not an inflammatory process, during which, secondarily, fat and crystals can be deposited. It is possible to reduce these protein deposits by a diet low in proteins. Another function of the connective tissue, much neglected until now, is its ability to buffer acids by binding protons in place of sodium cations (Na+) and potassium cations (K+) until they can be excreted.

In the presence of metabolic disturbances, carcinoma and also in the case of malnutrition (e. g. a diet which contains too many proteins and carbohydrates) the excretory organs cannot cope with the amount of acids which leads to them being stored in the connective tissue.

Sander was able to prove this in metabolism investigations. Elmau calles this storage process "mesenchymal acidosis" because storage is mainly in the mesenchyme. The expression "latent and compensated" is not strong enough for this pathological process. If the protein in the connective tissue cannot buffer any more acids the orgdnism mobilizes the cations of the skeleton, which enhances the development of osteoporosis.

The importance of the connective tissue's function in the pathogenesis of chronic and degenerative diseases not only has its roots in the fact that it initiates the transmission of information to the cell, the humoral and nervous system but also in the fact that it undergoes functional changes if there are functional disorders in the tissues. Moreover, any disturbance of the regulatory processes at the same time worsens the regulatory capacity. Of course, this dysfunction will not spread immediately. The serous membranes, septa and fasciae act as isolators and inhibit the spread of information via charge displacement. They, nevertheless can be bridged by arteries, veins and lymphatic pathways.

In this context I would like to refer to Schade and Volhard who, decades ago, reported an the important and multiple tasks of the connective tissue.

As early as 1935 Schade mentioned,in his publication the importance of the "colloidal connective tissue organ" as a depository of the organism, which occupies the intermediate position in the "three-chamber system" of the organism. He understood by three-chamber system: vessels - connective tissue - parenchymal cells. He called the contact area between blood and connective tissue dialytic membrane and the one between connective tissue and parenchymal cell osmotic membrane. Volhard called the connective tissue a kind of PRE-KIDNEY, because all substances usually eliminated with the urine have to be excreted by the connective tissue or "pre-kidney", before they are excreted by the kidney. Schade believed the most important task of the connective tissue to be the degradation of acids, originating everywhere in the organism.

This process is supported by the different concentrations of the

• cell with a pH value of 6.8,

• the connective tissue with a pH value of 7.08 - 7.29 and

• the blood with a pH value of 7.4 - 7.45.

Bicarbonate has got a key role here, which cannot be discussed due to time constraints.

Pischinger and later Heine considered the ability of the leucocytes to cause physiological lysis as the "pivot of all natural cures" and regulatory medical measures. Natural cures such as acupuncture, neural therapy, homoeopathy, oxygen-ozone therapy and many physical procedures have to be seen as therapies of order which aim at loosening blockades, regulatory rigidities. In accordance with holistic medicine these are intended to activate the organism's autotherapeutic potential. The basic regulation which takes place in the connective tissue plays a key role, therefore has to be included in therapy.

In order to support the basic regulation, water balance, electrolyte, oxygen and acid-base metabolism have to be checked. Electrolytes, trace-elements, vitamins, antioxidants as radical catchers and the substitution of bicarbonate can have a positive effect an regulation.

Drinking water with a high electric resistance improves the salt balance of the connective tissue.

A change of diet is also necessary. Of all those recommended by the countless doctrines and opinions of nutritional apostles a sensible mixed diet containing minimum animal protein and avoiding the consumption of denatured food, industrial sugar and finely ground white flour has proven to be the one which is best tolerated.

Biological substitution of constituent parts is particularly suitable for intervening in the basic regulation of the connective tissue. This creates the necessary conditions for further effective treatments. Biological substitution of constituent parts I understand to be, above all, the implantation of MESENCHYME, the fetal connective tissue, which has the most powerful immunomodulating properties. I have also been using it for over two decades as a anti-influenza prophylaxis instead of influenza vaccination. Patients treated with it were free from influenzal diseases for 6 to 12 months. Furthermore they felt a revitalising effect accompanied by improvement of their general condition and fitness. Phagocytosis is improved and regeneration of the connective tissue is enhanced. Thus it intervenes in the basic functions of the organism.

In arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, circulation disturbances, developmental disorders of the skeleton, in all revitalisation measures and when treating degenerative diseases implantation of mesenchyme, as a basic treatment, for the reasons above mentioned, is essential.

In conclusion, being a practician I may say that my experience has shown that implantation of fetal connective tissue cells activates the autotherapeutic potential existing in the organism. It is an effective support for the basic regulation.

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(2) Celltherapy
(3) Resistocell
(4) Biological Medicine

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HAUSER – Zentrum für biologische Medizin

Wolfgang Hauser, Heilpraktiker
Holistic Practioner, Naturopathic Doctor (ND)

Bahnhofsplatz 2
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Schwarzwald/Black Forest

Telefon: +49 7083 3900
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